Avrete spesso sentito dire la frase “pensare fuori dagli schemi” sopratutto quando si tratta di creare delle pubblicità creative, spesso pero non è tanto pensare fuori dagli schemi ma pensare su che supporto finirà e gia li il 50% del lavoro è fatto! ecco degli splendidi esempi di doppie pagine che sorprendono davvero con poco!
1. Adidas: Forever Sport
Advertising Agency: Unknown
2. WMF Knives
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Bangkok, Thailand
3. DHL International Courier Service
Advertising Agency: Shanghai J&J Advertising Co., China
4. Ikea: Sliding Doors
Advertising Agency: 303, Perth, Australia
5. Wonderbra: Magazine
6. Brazilian Bikinis: Ribbon
7. Viasat: I’d Do Anything For Money
“I’d do anything for money. The game show where pain equals cash.”
“faro qualsiasi cosa per soldi. il game show dove il dolore viene pagato cash.”
(Advertising Agency: Le Bureau, Stockholm, Sweden)
8. Clinique: Lashes
Advertising Agency: WE Marketing Group, Shanghai, China
9. Tide: Put Stains Back Where They Belong
la pagina e stata trattata con colla post-it per dare l’impressione di appiccicaticcio sulla pagina opposta, mentre il colore delle macchie sui vestiti sparisce dopo pochi secondi di esposizione alla luce!
(Advertising agency: Leo Burnett Mumbai)
10. Hawaiian Tropic: Enjoy The Sun
Advertising Agency: Grey, Stockholm, Sweden
11. SulAmerica Health Insurance: Torn
Advertising Agency: MPM Advertising, Brazil
12. Depilatory Strips: EPILDOU
Advertising Agency: Lg2, Quebec, Canada
13. Arcor: Bubble Gum
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Sao Paulo, Brazil
14. NHA Xinh Furniture
Advertising Agency: Grey Group, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
15. Repromed: Don’t Waste Your Sperm
Jamshop has created a cheeky DM piece to complement their existing national print and online campaign in an effort to recruit sperm donors for Repromed, Australia’s leading infertility clinic. Unsuspecting potential candidates received the popular men’s magazine FHM, only to discover that some pages appeared stuck together. Blokes were lured into pulling the sticky pages apart, revealing a full page pic of an attractive lingerie model and a message. An interactive website linking back to Repromed challenged the men to see if they had the “goods” to become an eligible sperm donor.
Advertising Agency: Jamshop, Adelaide, Australia
16. Garmastan: Nipple
Advertising Agency: Milk, Lithuania
17. Conto Barriers – Lift
“Your Life can turn in a second.”
18. Suzuki Grand Vitara: Rolling Stone
19. Macbook Pro
“Ultra Thin”
Advertising School: SVA New York, USA
20. Crush: Class
There is another way.
21. Bic Soleil Clic
“The safety razor that follows your shapes.”
Advertising Agency: Dragster, Gothenburg, Sweden
22. Seat Ibiza Cupra: Wheel
23. Styx Underwear
24. Triumph
25. McDonald’s: Extra Large Coffee
Advertising Agency: DDB, Stockholm, Sweden
26. Greenpeace: Tree
“Deforestation continues with the turn of a page”
Advertising Agency: LINKSUS, Beijing, China
27. Revlon: Root Perfect
“No brush. No hassle. No roots in just 10 easy minutes.”
Advertising Agency: Martin|Williams, Minneapolis, USA
28. Sunsilk
29. Hombre Magazine
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Buenos Aires, Argentina
31. Miradent Dental Floss
Advertising Agency: Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg, Germany
32. Project: AHON
Advertising Agency: BBDO Guerrero \ Proximity, Philippines
33. TV 6 – I’d Do Anything For Money
34. BR Petrobras Oil – Victory
“Turn this page from right to left several times. Now you know how our pilots feel when they reach the finish line.”
35. National Association for the Blind: Donate eyes, magazine cut-out
36. Conto Barriers: Lift
Your Life can turn in a second.
Advertising Agency: FNL Communications, Sydney, Australia
37. Samsung TV
38. Shikun & Binui Solaria
“Look at the page facing the sun light. And see how you can benefit from it.” (Advertising Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Tel Aviv, Israel)
39. Subaru Forester: King Of The Hills
Advertising Agency: JWT, Tel Aviv, Israel
40. Hawaiian Tropic
Advertising Agency: Grey, Stockholm, Sweden